Tag: operator

C program to convert fahrenheit to celsius

Write a C program to convert fahrenheit to celsius. C program to enter the temperature in fahrenheit and convert it into celcius using operators.

C program to find power of a number

C program to find the power of a number. Write a C program to enter the base and exponents and calculate the power of a number using the pow function.

C program to find square root of a number

C program to find the square root of a number. Write a C program to enter the number and calculate the square root of a number using the sqrt function.

C Program to find diameter, circumference and area of a circle

Write a C program to enter the radius of a rectangle and find the diameter, circumference and area of a circle.

C program to convert celsius to fahrenheit

C program to convert celsius to fahrenheit. Write a C program to enter the temperature in celcius and convert it into fahrenheit using operators.

C program to find sum of two numbers

Write a C program to enter two numbers and find their sum by using the scanf function.

C program to perform all arithmetic operations

Write a C program to enter two numbers and perform all arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction etc to understand how to perform basic arithmetic operations in C language.

C program to find perimeter of a rectangle

Write a C program to enter the length and breadth of a rectangle and find its perimeter using operators and the formula.

C program to find area of a rectangle

Write a C program to enter the length and breadth of a rectangle and find its area using operators and the formula.

Walrus operator in Python

Walrus operator (:=) is used as an assignment operator. It assigns value to a variable and also returns the value. It is a new feature added in Python 3.8 version.